24 May What excursions can you do in Mallorca?
What excursions can you do in Mallorca? Holidays are great for lounging by the pool or sunbathing on the beach… But for many of us, it only takes a few days before we start to crave adventure. For some, this could mean hiking in our beautiful mountains, kayaking off of the beach, or exploring the many beautiful towns that we have on the island, but why not try a fishing trip too?
Mallorca is a fantastic place to go fishing, because in our waters there are species a plenty, and many of them are fantastic for sport fishing. For example, many people come to Mallorca, to fish with us for the legendary Bluefin tuna, who can grow to more than 300kgs! We can catch them all year around in the North of Mallorca, where we are based and nothing screams adventure quite like taking a boat to the open sea, and waiting for a giant tuna to take the bait. Then, the fight is on and you’re battling with a beast, it’s incredible the feeling that you have after you’ve got one of these beautiful fish to the boat.
If you prefer to adventure further offshore, to catch many different species, then trolling is perfect for you. We often have double and triple strikes of younger bluefin tuna, albacore (long fin tuna), little tunny, skipjack and spearfish. Imagine this, while seeing huge pods of dolphins, seeing a whale basking on the surface that’s bigger than the boat and perhaps saying hello to a wonderful turtle or two and you have yourself a mixed day of awe, adrenaline pumping fun and a little bit of relaxation.
Not only will you get to enjoy the crystalline waters that Mallorca has to offer, along with it’s beautiful inhabitants, you will also feel safe, knowing that you are on board the biggest and most well equipped fishing charter boat in Mallorca.
The best fishing trips in Mallorca
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