05 Sep Summer Fishing in Mallorca
August, a usually pretty slow time for fishing here, has been amazing this year.
Here at Fishing in Mallorca with Capt. Vince Riera, we have caught so many species this summer, we are finding it hard to count them all!
We have caught Bluefin tuna, Swordfish, Amberjack, Little Tunny, Mahi Mahi, Dentex, Spearfish, Albacore, Bonito, Skipjack tuna and lots of bottom fish.
Bluefin Tuna in Mallorca
We catch Bluefin Tuna in Mallorca all year long, with August usually being a month where we have to change techniques during the day in order to hook one. With our experience of fishing for these pelagic predators, we are still very successful in August but it just means exhausting our knowledge of techniques. This year, it hasn’t been very difficult and they’ve been biting like they do for most of the year. The biggest bluefin of this year so far is 322kgs and the smallest, 65kgs.
Little Tunny in Mallorca
Little Tunny are a fish that few people know much about, due to them being a so-called ‘trash fish’ many fishermen don’t target them, as few people know how to bleed them correctly in order for you to enjoy them.
These fish are power-houses, in the same family as bluefin tuna and growing up to approximately 16kg (the world record that we are set on breaking) with flexible rods and a strong reel, the fight is incredible!
We frequently see them feeding on the surface and have seen monsters jump from the water.
Amberjack in Mallorca
Many fishermen in Mallorca will tell you that there are no big amberjack here anymore, but I know different.
The big Amberjack are very smart fish, and you need to practice for years with different techniques and baits to learn how to be a little bit smarter than the fish!
A usual sea bed dweller, we have been catching these beasts while surface trolling, and what a fight they give.
Billfish in Mallorca
While there are no Marlin in the Mediterranean, and please believe me when I say this. Anybody in Mallorca who tells you differently is a liar!
That doesn’t mean that we don’t have billfish!
We have the gladiator of the sea, arguably the most arrogant fish in the water… The mighty Swordfish!
These fish are so unpredictable, once hooked, be prepared for a show.
They leap out of the water, the swim deep, the come for the boat, sometimes even attacking the propellors because this fish is not used to being challenged.
We also have spearfish, sometimes called the marlin of the med. During the summer, we use surface trolling to hook these magnificent fish, the electric blue colour is amazing and the way it jumps from the water showcasing its beauty is something I will never tire of seeing.
There are so many species to catch in Mallorca during the year, especially summertime, and it is important for us to always be prepared to adapt to change and learn new things.
Of course, when we go fishing we have a target, but depending on what we see when we are out there, our target and technique can change and we will always do our best in order to get a fish hooked. Fishing is our passion and if you want to do some truly amazing fishing in Mallorca, let us know and we’ll get you booked and hooked!!
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