12 Mar Deep Sea Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing in Mallorca
For a bluefin tuna to be a giant, it must exceed 150kg (330lb) in weight. Luckily for us, we have these fish in our waters and we catch them nearly all year around. When the giants aren’t around, we still have bluefins of 60-130kg snatching our baits. The season for fishing in Mallorca is all year long.
They are native to both the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean, as well as here in the Mediterranean. These monsters can exceed 900kg (2000lb) in weight and rival the black marlin, blue marlin and swordfish as the biggest Perciformes.
Fishing Charters in Mallorca (Alcudia)
Unfortunately, the number of bluefin tuna in our oceans is decreasing, they are being targeting for the Japanese sushi market. This is why it is very important for fishing charters such as ourselves, here at Capt. Vince Riera, to operate on a catch, tag and release system. Every tuna we catch gets tagged with a special spaghetti tag from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and we send all the data we record from our fishing charters to them. This aids in research and helps organisations in their fight to reduce the quotas given to commercial fishermen. We love tuna, and want to help in the fight to save them.
Deep Sea Fishing in Mallorca: Big Tuna
We have our local tuna in Mallorca that stay here all year long, these fish vary in size but it is very rare that we catch one less than 60kg. In May, the Atlantic monsters arrive, they come here for a very important event… Reproduction. According to bluefins, our water is the perfect environment for their babies to be born, and grow. The babies of the Atlantic tunas stay here for 6 years before making the great journey to the Atlantic, but something that not many people know about these fish is that they will make the exhausting journey back to Mallorca each year, to the place they were born, to spawn.
Professional Big Tuna Fishing in Mallorca (Alcudia)
When it is peak reproduction time, the tuna form schools, and we have often seen the sea change colour because it is full of these beautiful creatures, hundreds and hundreds of tuna backs stare back at you when you look to the water, it is an amazing sight.
After they spawn, they are very very hungry. Their eggs and sperm, take up a massive amount of space in the body, once they have spawned, this space is free and it’s time for feeding frenzies. In this time, we catch multiple tuna per day, we have double strikes and sometimes strikes before we have even finished putting out the rods. We safely tag them, then swim them until they regain their strength and carefully release them.
Amazing Tuna Fishing Trips in Mallorca (Alcudia)
Our spot is like a marine safari, rods in the water for tuna, with swordfish jumping on the surface around the boat, maybe we will get a nice wave from a sunfish, or a passing pod of dolphins will give us a lovely show to animate, even more, our fishing trip in Mallorca.
Bluefin tuna fishing in Mallorca is more than you would expect for fishing in Europe. It is incredible, and we are so lucky to do what we do, every day.
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