16 Jan Fishing for bluefin tuna in Mallorca
Bluefin tuna are at the top of the evolutionary ladder of success because of a number of biological properties. They grow quickly and are extremely fertile. However, this also means that the fish are constantly hungry and looking for food. – This is good for us when we fish in the north of Mallorca for the tuna that can be found there all year round.
Our respective fishing places and techniques depend on the season, the currents and also on the position of the moon. We search for the edge of the island shelf for bait fish such as horse mackerel or Atlantic mackerel. One of the places we have called “the supermarket” because we often find a lot of mackerel there. Sometimes they are at the bottom of the shelf, sometimes directly on the edge or a little further out above the abyss. We then decide to either anchor or to drift, depending on the wind at the surface or the current at the bottom and where they carry our food trail (chum) of mackerel and sardines.
Big Game Fishing for Bluefin Tuna in Mallorca
We fish only a few miles off the coast in the north of Mallorca – and call it Big Game Fishing because of the fighting power of our tuna. In order to be able to convert the many foods they eat into energy, tuna also need a lot of oxygen. And they can take oxygen out of the water better than any other fish. This ability also makes them such strong fighters, who in relation to their body weight put every marlin in their shadow. – In the fight on the line tuna go up to the – far put – borders of physical exhaustion. Once their batteries are empty, this is no problem for them either: Tuna can recover from physical exertion faster than any other fish. Catching them on a line is therefore one of the best challenges in deep-sea fishing.
Do you find it exciting? Book Here a Fishing for Bluefin Tuna Trip in Mallorca (Alcudia).
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