26 Dec Big Game Fishing in Mallorca for Bluefin Tuna & Swordfish
Early mornings in Alcudia, Mallorca Island. Calm seas, motivated clients. In the high season, this is my routine. Day to day, and I love it. Months of fishing for giants, every day from sunrise to sunset. Does it ever bore me? Never! I know that when I am targeting bluefin tuna, that I will catch bluefins. It still, after catching hundreds and hundreds of tuna in my life, big game fishing excites me like nothing else. Hooking a giant bluefin tuna and a nice swordfish in one day, within a few hours in between those catches, however, is something truly special and a dream come true for every true big game angler.
Big Game Fishing Mallorca: Giant bluefin tuna & swordfish in a single day…
Exactly this happened in the summer. A beauty of a bluefin, approximately 130kg was tagged and released and immediately after putting out the lines and baits again, we had a weird strike. A mid-weight tuna strike is mostly the same, long and fast runs. Screaming reels. Totally bent rods and an amazing but relatively predictable fight (for an expert). A giant over 200kg is an entirely different story, for another blog post. A swordfish, however, doesn’t play by the rules. The runs can be short and fast, or long and slow. Sometimes it feels like, the fish does not even realize it has been hooked. They jump. They go deep. And down there, unlike other big game fish, they don’t die. It is their home. The dark, cold deep waters. Catching a sword is as exciting as it gets. Even a relatively small one like this one. They light up in the nicest colors and are as aggressive as they are beautiful. A true perfect creation.
We do our best to preserve and save the population around Mallorca. Longline fishing has declinated it over the last decades, but they are coming back. We, who practice big game fishing in Mallorca, must contribute to the protection of these species. That’s why, we tag and release all swords and tunas. It is our responsibility as anglers, to look after our environment. And it is the future of my business, to help the population of big game fish to strive.
Do you find it exciting? Book Here a Big Game Fishing Trip in Mallorca (Alcudia).
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